I really do like where we live. We have an abundance of creatures that live amongst us. I enjoy the beauty that God has created right outside our windows. The red cardinals remind me over and over again about pressing on through the winter months. They are there, perched on the windowsill or tree as I work and teach, their head cocked in a way that I imagine they are trying to listen to my thoughts. Or perhaps, encourage me to look up and pause when they are near. When I am restless at night, the owls lull me to sleep with their sweet duets. When the house is quiet and my mind is racing, their soft melody reminds me to slow it all down. It’s these little bits of joy that I would miss if I didn’t pause and listen or simply look out the window.
This season is filled with so much, but yet nothing extraordinary. Sickness had invaded our home for several weeks after our return from our trip. A new routine as my youngest started preschool outside the home still has me off kilter. The middle kids have a little cabin fever anxiously waiting for spring break. Our oldest just got home from traveling to Europe. My husband’s hours at work are all over the map. Even in the midst of still not having traction in our days, I can’t help but think of the good in all that is surrounding our home right now. It’s in the ho-hum of everyday that I can miss so much joy. So I choose to look for it. Sift through the illness and odd hours and the big kids needing to help with the little one and lesson planning and meal planning (who am I kidding?) grabbing whatever is in the fridge for a hodgepodge dinner, and what is left are nuggets of joy.
In between all the sickness, I evaded what they had.
I have a village now at my son’s preschool. The teachers are amazing and I can already tell that he will thrive there. God has blessed this mama with the assurance that His hands are covering and guiding his journey there.
The middle children are seeing the balance of my time and working hard at home and at school. God is at work in the midst of their school days and the direction they are going.
I sat in awe at the providence of God’s hand as he ushered our oldest home covered in prayer and protection.
My husband is working and I am grateful. God has always provided for us.
We stumbled through the last bit of winter, hanging on for spring, and now we are here. New beginnings. A chance to have a fresh start. The ever changing landscape of our yard reminds me that God remains. He shows up in the cardinal, the owl, the bare branches that allow me to see past the forest to the mighty strong oak tree that stands always. From brown, to snow, to sun, to green, the view of my tree from my desk is a reminder that seasons change and if I don’t pause to look up, I will miss it.
Look up.
Choose joy.